簡単英語ニュース - American Influencer Leaves Australia After Wombat Incident
An American hunting influencer has left Australia after a controversy about a baby wombat. Sam Jones, from Montana, was seen in a video grabbing a joey from its mother. The Australian government started checking if she had broken any visa rules.
The immigration minister said he was happy to see Jones leave. Many people in Australia were angry about the video, including the prime minister. The animal welfare group RSPCA said the act showed no respect for wildlife.
Jones later said she was “really sorry” and called it a mistake. Her social media accounts became private, and many people criticized her online.
- hunting influencer - 狩猟系インフルエンサー
- controversy - 議論・物議
- wombat - ウォンバット
- joey - (カンガルー・ウォンバットなどの)子
- grabbing - つかむこと
- government - 政府
- immigration minister - 移民大臣
- prime minister - 首相
- animal welfare - 福祉
- RSPCA - 英国王立動物虐待防止協会
- act - 行動
- respect - 尊重
- wildlife - 野生動物
- private - 非公開の
- criticized - 批判した
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